Our Services:
We're proud to offer exceptional, professional tutoring and mentoring/counseling services spanning a range of academic subjects, standardized tests, college admissions, and the behavioral-emotional spectrum.
Test Prep and The College Process
Standardized Tests: ACT/SAT/subject test prep (one-on-one and small group)
The College Essay: how to develop and write a distinct essay
Mock Testing: ACT/SAT tests conducted in real conditions and scored
Standardized Tests: GRE Prep
Academic Services (for all ages!)
Reading comprehension, writing, and language development (including phonics) instruction and curriculum
Math fundamentals development
Foreign language development and acquisition
Academic Tutoring: Tutoring in all academic subjects (sciences, humanities, etc.)
Mentoring & Guidance: Testing/IEP/Clinical Services
Mentoring & Guidance: Organization and Study Skills
Mentoring and Guidance Services​
Mentoring & Guidance: Testing/IEP/Clinical Services
Mentoring & Guidance: Organization and Study Skills
Mentoring & Counseling: Parenting Skills and Approaches
Summer Institutes
Incredible and engaging weeklong learning opportunities (for elementary through high school-age students) hosted at Woodlawn School (on the edge of Davidson and Mooresville, NC).
Notes about Services and Expectations:
Academic Tutoring is often reactive, working to address weaknesses that a student is exhibiting in a particular class or classes. We won't assign additional homework unless a student and family are agree it's a good idea; our goal is never to overwhelm the already busy lives of our students. However, in instances when we can be proactive and when everyone is in agreement that extra repetition/study would be beneficial, we will assign targeted homework. Additionally, we can devise standalone academic programs for students -- designing personalized classes with personalized curriculums -- even if a student isn't enrolled in a particular class.
Standardized Test Prep is an intensive, involved process, and we want to make sure everyone understands the dedication that is typically required to make significant score improvements. The process begins by identifying, when possible, goals schools and, accordingly, goal scores for a student. Another initial step is attempting to identify if a particular standardized test better fits a student. Moreover, we will use a combination of recent test scores (if available) and full diagnostics that we can administer to establish a baseline score, to ensure that we have attainable goals in mind and to discern the specific areas and sub-areas that require the most reinforcement. Once we begin test prep for any standardized test(s), students will be assigned out-of-session assignments by their tutors; these assignments will be specific and targeted, intended to expose each student to the skills and areas in which they most need improvement. It is essential, if a student truly wants to make significant score improvements, that they find a way to complete -- on a near-daily basis -- the targeted work that we'll assign them. The expectation is that students will continue to practice and master at home the skills that we address in our sessions together, as this is an essential complementary piece that will allow them to develop the confidence and competence necessary to perform well on test day!