Program open to students and parents
Participants must have completed Spanish I (or equivalent) by June 18, 2018.
Participants must be a rising 9th grade student (or older) by June 18, 2018.*
Submit a brief recommendation letter from last Spanish teacher.
Submit a brief recommendation letter from an employer, coach, school administrator or non-Spanish teacher.
Conduct a brief interview with Patrick, the program founder, about your reasons for wanting to go to Perú, what you hope to learn from the experience, and why you consider the trip a valuable opportunity. Interview may be conducted via Skype or in-person.
All students and parents must read and sign the program's Official Code of Conduct.
All participants must complete and return all documentation (to be provided after intent to participate has been received) before Jan. 31, 2018.
All participants must possess (and provide copies of):
A valid United States passport that expires after January 1, 2019.
Proof of insurance.
***Submit letters of recommendation and essay by December 21, 2017.
*If a parent is participating, exceptions to the age-minimum for students can be made.
To begin the application process:
Use the contact form at the bottom of the page to send us an email indicating interest! Use "2018 Peru Application" in the subject line, please. We'll be back in touch shortly with information and documents to fill out!
Once you've begun the application process, Patrick will be in regular contact to answer all questions and to guide you and your student(s) through the process. It's a little work that is more than justified by the payoff!